Tell us what we should build next, how we can improve, or what we can fix. 

  1. /open command

    Paste in page ID and it opens. try to reuse the existing 'open" or "start" helper

    Greg Hadley


  2. Add Resource additions

    Bot function posts to Discord Forum. Web form

    Greg Hadley


  3. Improve / finish levelling & submission/review system

    Need to update the parent database to host user XP and Level, as well as submission system. Submissions need to be reviewed by admins, reviews are for teams but will use the same functionality. Both should have fields for 'score' and 'approve/deny'.

    Greg Hadley


  4. Add "Read" Button

    with the addition of header sizing and hyperlinks in Discord, it makes sense to give the whole page of content trimmed to a certain length limit, and then paginated.

    Greg Hadley


  5. Add a "open in Notion" button

    Currently the only way to view the full page is to click the title of the mission.

    Greg Hadley


  6. Resources card interaction improvements

    Check for duplicates Ability to Favorite resources

    Greg Hadley


  7. /find resources command improvements

    name search should also search category, additional option for resource type selection.

    Greg Hadley


  8. Add "Status" property to filter

    e.g. Find -> Workspace -> Status -> Active

    Greg Hadley


  9. Under Badge in Workspace, no way to View Connected: Missions, Milestones, etc.

    When you choose view related it is not showing missions.

    Greg Hadley


  10. /new Resource

    Right now can't add new resources from command line.

    Greg Hadley


  11. Documentation

    General notes about how the bot is built and operates

    Greg Hadley


  12. Move Created By: to footer or bottom of embed

    Move Created By: to footer or bottom of embed

    Greg Hadley


  13. Resource Preview Embed show Link, tags, format, etc.

    We can improve preview embed.

    Greg Hadley


  14. Add filter options on Find-> Resources

    Currently limited on filterable options, and the bot forces you to search private or public, which could be improved.

    Greg Hadley


  15. Fix embed on Find Academy -> Open [Badge]

    Not sure which embed is showing, but it says Public All MIssions, instead of its actual type.

    Greg Hadley
